Senator Maxine Horner, Attallah Shabazz, the daughter of Malcom X, and Representative Don Ross, at the Greenwood Cultural Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma
Joe Williams, talking to Attallah Shabazz, daughter of Malcom X, with unidentified individual pictured center, at the Greenwood Cultural Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma
Archival Location
- Collection: Eddie Faye Gates Tulsa Race Massacre Collection
- ↳ Photographs
- ↳ Greenwood Cultural Center Events/Tulsa Juneteenth/Tulsa Jazz Festival
- ↳ Greenwood Cultural Center Events/Tulsa Juneteenth/Tulsa Jazz Festival: Folder 1 - Malcom X's daughter, Attallah Shabazz, visits Greenwood Cultural Center - November 9, 1989