Eddie Faye Gates teaching at Edison High School in Tulsa, Oklahoma

Eddie Faye Gates with Don Ross holding a campaign sign running for State Representative
Eddie Faye Gates, a tour guide to the Oklahoma Tourism Tour for National Black Journalists at the Greenwood Cultural Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma
Curatorial Remarks
People: Eddie Faye Gates, Marshall Royal, Howard McGhee
Places: Greenwood Jazz Hall of Fame, Greenwood Cultural Center, Greenwood Avenue, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Purpose: OK Tourism Tour for National black journalists
Community Elder Tags: tour guide, framed newspaper articles, framed photo of Marshall Royal and Howard McGhee, August 14 1999, red shirt with white fringe, blue jeans, black cowboy hat, sunglasses, framed photos on wall, large black metal sculpture The Jazz Tree, music symbols
Francine Campbell, Community Expert for the Eddie Faye Gates project, 2020-2022
Community Youth Tags: tour guide, music, musical notes, christmas tree, cowboy hat, cowgirl hat, western shirt, sunglasses, glasses, white walls, August 14th 1999, musical history, black, navy blue, red, wooden frame, skirt, white fringe, red lipstick, wall trim, woman, man playing saxophone, man playing trumpet, jazz, jazz musicians
Erika Hanes, Community Expert for the Eddie Faye Gates project, 2020-2022
Places: Greenwood Jazz Hall of Fame, Greenwood Cultural Center, Greenwood Avenue, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Purpose: OK Tourism Tour for National black journalists
Community Elder Tags: tour guide, framed newspaper articles, framed photo of Marshall Royal and Howard McGhee, August 14 1999, red shirt with white fringe, blue jeans, black cowboy hat, sunglasses, framed photos on wall, large black metal sculpture The Jazz Tree, music symbols
Francine Campbell, Community Expert for the Eddie Faye Gates project, 2020-2022
Community Youth Tags: tour guide, music, musical notes, christmas tree, cowboy hat, cowgirl hat, western shirt, sunglasses, glasses, white walls, August 14th 1999, musical history, black, navy blue, red, wooden frame, skirt, white fringe, red lipstick, wall trim, woman, man playing saxophone, man playing trumpet, jazz, jazz musicians
Erika Hanes, Community Expert for the Eddie Faye Gates project, 2020-2022
Archival Location
- Collection: Eddie Faye Gates Tulsa Race Massacre Collection
- ↳ Photographs
- ↳ Greenwood Cultural Center Events/Tulsa Juneteenth/Tulsa Jazz Festival
- ↳ Greenwood Cultural Center Events/Tulsa Juneteenth/Tulsa Jazz Festival: Folder 4 - Oklahoma Tourism Tour for National Black Journalists - Greenwood Cultural Center - August 14, 1999