Left Hand Bear, Chief

Wa-mdi' U-pi' Du'-ta or Scarlet Eagle-Tail, Chief
Unidentified man talking to survivor Wess Young, Sr., in Washington, District of Columbia
Curatorial Remarks
People: Wes Young
Places: Washington D.C.
Community Elder Tags: TRR 1921, Tulsa Massacre Survivor, medallion, sitting down, conversation, talking, glass of water, eyeglasses, white blinds, collared shirts, daytime, beard, men, watch, March 8, 2005
Kavin Ross, Community Expert for the Eddie Faye Gates project, 2020-2022
Community Youth Tags: Tulsa race riot Survivors, Washington D.C meetings, history of the Tulsa Race Massacre, race riot survivor stories, March 8 2005, March 2005, events in March 2005, large anhk pendant, man with aviator frame glasses, two men in professional attire, meeting about Tulsa Race Massacre, man with salt and pepper hair
LeQuincia Brown, Community Expert for the Eddie Faye Gates project, 2020-2022
Places: Washington D.C.
Community Elder Tags: TRR 1921, Tulsa Massacre Survivor, medallion, sitting down, conversation, talking, glass of water, eyeglasses, white blinds, collared shirts, daytime, beard, men, watch, March 8, 2005
Kavin Ross, Community Expert for the Eddie Faye Gates project, 2020-2022
Community Youth Tags: Tulsa race riot Survivors, Washington D.C meetings, history of the Tulsa Race Massacre, race riot survivor stories, March 8 2005, March 2005, events in March 2005, large anhk pendant, man with aviator frame glasses, two men in professional attire, meeting about Tulsa Race Massacre, man with salt and pepper hair
LeQuincia Brown, Community Expert for the Eddie Faye Gates project, 2020-2022