Olla / Nampeyo
The object is a buff colored polychrome olla (jar) with four decorated areas featuring two motifs which alternate symmetrically around the olla’s circumference. One of these designs is a geometric design of a central triangular shape with two thick lines to either side. The central triangle has the top divided down the middle with orange on the right and a spotted black area on the left. The rest of the triangle is decorated with black geometric designs on the buff background. The thick outer lines have matching designs of a geometric design on the upper half made up of dark black areas and spotted black areas on the buff background. These think lines are divided horizontally about halfway down with an orange rectangle. The bottom part of the lines are divided into three vertical sections with the inner one being colored orange and the outer ones being colored a spotted black. The other design decorating the vessel is a large spiral design that has been divided into sections. These sections are of black designs on the buff background that are separated by two orange sections, one orange being the same dark orange from the other design and the other orange being a lighter orange. A black line runs around the vessel dividing the undecorated bottom third from the decorations on the top of the vessel.