Silver sunburst waterbird pin / Raye Johnson
32-petal round pin, highly abstract peyote cactus flower. Slightly domed. Sandwiched metal sheets of brass, sterling silver and brass. Silver bezel holds red faceted translucent stone (faceting worn). 32nd petal is loop for water bird pendant. Pin's center circle of brass, with stamped fluting (simulating old Navajo silver beads). Water bird also of silver on brass; body, wings, head/neck form one section. The four tail feathers also of silver on brass, each with separate loop attached to body. On body of bird is brass Christian cross. Bird has various design stamps on wings, body, tail feathers. Texture on neck and body from electric engraver. Bird "beak" forms pendant's loop. Usually manufactured by first cutting out silver and then sweat soldering silver sheet to brass sheet, then brass is cut out around silver. Smaller brass pieces are cut out and then sweat-soldered onto silver. Stamping is then done, followed by forming. Pin has separate brass circle on back for earpost support and hallmarks. Also unusual on back brass sheet; before soldering two sheets together the brass sheet was cut away where silvers forms beak and tail feather loops. Bezel is handmade, not commercial. Bird's body domed slightly, like pin. Wings are also domed and cupped, the tail feathers are left flat. Maker's hallmark "RJ on both pin and pendant, artist's signature "Raye Johnson" and year "98" on back of pin (done with electric engraver). There is also a 10-point star stamped on the back of the pin.