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U.S. penny with bust of Native American on obverse / Unknown

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Curatorial Remarks

These were made shortly after the Civil War until 1909 when the penny was made with Lincoln's bust. This "Indian head" penny aligns with the end of Osage allotment and the beginning of Oklahoma statehood in 1907. Objects collected in road kits often had personal and sentimental meaning. Common objects, such as these pennies, took on greater meaning for individuals. However, it is difficult to determine the individual significance of some of these objects.

Tags: penny
People: Osage
Places: Southern Plains, Oklahoma
Purpose: domestic use

From interviews with Dr. Garrick Bailey, 2018-2020 University of Tulsa, Professor Emeritus of Anthropology
U.S. penny with bust of Native American on obverse
Unidentified (Author)
Dominic Daniels (Used by)
Dominic Daniels (Used by)
Native American; Osage
circa 1940s
copper alloy
Object Type: 
Accession No: 
Not On View

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