Coiled and twined basketry tray

Coiled and feathered basket with lid
Imbricated coiled basket with lid / Native American; Northwest Coast

Lid is coiled over splints. Large storage basket with lid. Coiled split cedar over cedar root bundle. Fully imbricated in nho’itlexin (straw color) and the bark of Prunus demisea (dark brown) Walpers and black, in vertical bands. Evidence of two handles.
The Northwest Coastal tribes varied in their styles of basketry, though plaiting was practiced throughout the region. The Upper Pacific Northwest, which includes the Nootka and Tlingit, often twined their baskets and decorated with false embroidery. Tribes such as the Salish and Chinook in the Lower Pacific Northwest typically practiced warp twining and coiling (Turnbaugh and Turnbaugh 1986, 150-156).