Small beaded bag with stiff fringe

Beaded leather moccasins with geometric designs
Plaited basket with stamped design / Native American; Mohegan-Pequot

Mohegan Reservation-Pequot Indians. Woven splint oak utility basket. Black stamp design on four bands of brown and yellow. The stamp design is laundry bluing dye (ca. 1820-1840).
Additional Note: Might be Natick from near Wooster/Canton, MA.
Northeastern tribes typically stitched birchbark or plaited woodsplint to make their baskets. Because of frequent trading and interaction, the styles of basketry in the region are blended together, which makes identifying the tribe of the maker of a basket difficult. The decorations, including paint, special weaves, etchings, and added sweetgrass or porcupine quills, on the baskets, however, offer some hints to the provenience (Turnbaugh and Turnbaugh 1986,112-115).