Single walled twill plaited rivercane basket
Single weave rivercane sewing basket with aniline dye
Single walled plaited basket tray with double rim and aniline dye / Unknown
Curatorial Remarks
Tags: double rim, red aniline dye, river cane, single walled
People: Choctaw
Places: Mississippi, Louisiana
Purpose: domestic use
Comments: The double braided rim acts as a support. Possibly part of a food processing set.
From interviews with Dr. Garrick Bailey, 2018-2020 University of Tulsa, Professor Emeritus of Anthropology
People: Choctaw
Places: Mississippi, Louisiana
Purpose: domestic use
Comments: The double braided rim acts as a support. Possibly part of a food processing set.
From interviews with Dr. Garrick Bailey, 2018-2020 University of Tulsa, Professor Emeritus of Anthropology