Wooden drumstick

Wooden drumstick
Wooden drumstick / Unknown
Curatorial Remarks
Wooden peyote drumstick with carved head and carved concentric circles and cross-hatched designs on handle. There is tremendous diversity in Native American Church drumsticks. Sometimes they have carved designs, or they may have pieces of glass or jewels set into them as well. Most men have personal drumsticks that are the right weight for their drumming style, and a road man may have multiple drumsticks. Sometimes, they are made out of special wood that has personal significance.
Tags: Native American Church, wood, brown, carved designs, carved cross-hatched designs, carved concentric circles
People: Native American Church
Places: Oklahoma
Purpose: peyote meeting, ceremonial events
From interviews with Dr. Garrick Bailey, 2018-2020 University of Tulsa, Professor Emeritus of Anthropology
Tags: Native American Church, wood, brown, carved designs, carved cross-hatched designs, carved concentric circles
People: Native American Church
Places: Oklahoma
Purpose: peyote meeting, ceremonial events
From interviews with Dr. Garrick Bailey, 2018-2020 University of Tulsa, Professor Emeritus of Anthropology