Brown calico floral cotton dress with plastic and metal buttons

Macaw feather peyote fan with beaded handle
Subscription renewal request letter addressed to Mrs. Dominic Daniels / Unknown
Subscription renewal request letter to Mrs. Dominic Daniels from the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament. The letter is accompanied by an envelope.
Curatorial Remarks
Although the reasons for inclusion of these personal papers, photographs, and other small objects are only known to the owner of the road kit, in this case Dominic Daniels, items like these were often included in peyote boxes that had personal significance to the owners.
Tags: paper, letter
People: Osage, Dominic Daniels
Places: Southern Plains, Oklahoma
Purpose: personal use, ceremonial use
From interviews with Dr. Garrick Bailey, 2018-2020 University of Tulsa, Professor Emeritus of Anthropology
Tags: paper, letter
People: Osage, Dominic Daniels
Places: Southern Plains, Oklahoma
Purpose: personal use, ceremonial use
From interviews with Dr. Garrick Bailey, 2018-2020 University of Tulsa, Professor Emeritus of Anthropology