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Beaded tobacco pouch with American flag designs
Wesley V. Disney
Cherokees at ceremonial fire
Cecil Dick

Hide bag with beaded designs in red, white, blue, and yellow with fringe / Unknown

Curatorial Remarks

This is a strike-a-light bag used to carry flint and steel for making fire. They are very common because most people had one. Mescalero Apache never made it to Oklahoma, unlike the Chiricahua who came as prisoners of war. The Chiricahua became known as the Fort Sill Apache. These bags were made from hide. Strike a light bags are most common on the Plains. The diagonal bands of beadwork are common among the Apache.

Tags: strike a light, bag
People: Apache, possibly Mescalero
Places: Southwest
Purpose: domestic use

From interviews with Dr. Garrick Bailey, 2018-2020 University of Tulsa, Professor Emeritus of Anthropology

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Hide bag with beaded designs in red, white, blue, and yellow with fringe
Native American; Apache, Chiricahua or Western (artist and user)
circa 1870
hide (elk), glass
Object Type: 
Credit Line: 
From the Olaf Wieghorst Studio Collection. Gift of Mrs. Olaf Wieghorst
Accession No: 
Previous Number(s): 
Not On View

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