Italian trade bead necklace
Italian trade bead necklace / Native American; Plains
Trade bead necklace: Multiple chevron or “star” beads alternating with seeds.
Bead Dimensions: 20 Ellipsoidal Beads -- L: 0.87”, D: 0.62”; 22 Seeds -- Diameters from about 0.35” to 0.65”; 1 Ellipsoidal Bead -- L: 1.90”, D: 1.17:
Chevron beads manufactured in Murano, Italy
Trade beads were made and brought from Europe to trade with the Native Americans for gold, furs, and other precious materials. Many beads were made in Italy, often from glass. The Native Americans greatly valued these beads because the beads they made were arduously crafted one at a time and, therefore, were valuable and rare (Dubin 1999, 172).