"Geronimo in Braille" man's t-shirt / Ronald W. Anderson
"Geronimo in Braille" "Experiment with braille - art for the blind". A (large size) blue commercial shirt that has been hand silkscreen by Ron Anderson. The image on the back of the shirt with this title and caption is from an oil painting by the artist. A yellow field with a portrait of Geronimo (tan, blue, yellow, gray, black) kneeling holding a rifle. Title given above the image, caption and signature (in gold ink) are below. Around the left, right, and top sides of the image are gray dots representing braille characters. In the original painting these braille characters were formed with sewing buttons attached to the canvas. On the left breast of the shirt, screened in tan ink is an image of a peyote cactus button and the words "The Ron W. Anderson Collection".