Charles M. Russell and Friend

Charles M. Russell and Friend
Wool leggings with geometric design and beadwork / Gloria Maude Cheshewalla
The pair of leggings is made from stroud cloth with silk cutout designs of purple, pale green, cerise, and yellow, edged with white beads.
Curatorial Remarks
It is not typical to see a vest worn with a straight dance outfit. Usually, a shirt was worn as part of the outfit. Wool leggings are part of a straight dance outfit.
Tags: leggings, wool
People: Osage
Places: Southern Plains, Oklahoma
Purpose: ceremonial events
From interviews with Dr. Garrick Bailey, 2018-2020 University of Tulsa, Professor Emeritus of Anthropology
Tags: leggings, wool
People: Osage
Places: Southern Plains, Oklahoma
Purpose: ceremonial events
From interviews with Dr. Garrick Bailey, 2018-2020 University of Tulsa, Professor Emeritus of Anthropology