Painted leather envelope parfleche

Rawhide envelope with geometric designs
Pair of toy parfleche envelopes / Unknown
Child's parfleche
Curatorial Remarks
Common among Plains tribes, little girls would have toys resembling real life items used in everyday life such a tipis, parfleche, cradleboards and moccasins. Parfleche toys are not uncommon. Parfleche toys were often made in pairs.
Tags: children, child, toy, parfleche envelopes, leather ties, geometric designsredgreenyellowblue
People: Crow
Places: Plains
Purpose: domestic use, personal activity
From interviews with Dr. Garrick Bailey, 2018-2020 University of Tulsa, Professor Emeritus of Anthropology
Tags: children, child, toy, parfleche envelopes, leather ties, geometric designsredgreenyellowblue
People: Crow
Places: Plains
Purpose: domestic use, personal activity
From interviews with Dr. Garrick Bailey, 2018-2020 University of Tulsa, Professor Emeritus of Anthropology