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Painted leather envelope parfleche
Painted leather envelope parfleche

Rawhide parfleche envelope with geometric designs / Unidentified


This parfleche envelope is decorated with painted geometric designs in red, yellow, and green. The central design is of a rectangle with a green rectangle painted in the center outlined in red. Outside of this red outline there is a line of the natural color of the hide and then a line of yellow. The outside of the rectangle is lined in green with a line of the natural color of the hide between the green and yellow. One side of the rectangle has four red triangles protruding with red circles on the tips. This rectangle design repeats four times in a horizontal line. On either side of this line of rectangle design there is a design of slightly sloping yellow and red lines with a dashed green line in between the yellow and red lines. The top and bottom of the front has slightly humped design of red and yellow with a thin green line along the top edge of the yellow. The entire painted area is outlined in a border of double green lines. This envelope closes with leather thongs that are tied through three holes in the middle where the two sides meet.

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Rawhide parfleche envelope with geometric designs
Unidentified (Artist)
Native American; Cheyenne
late 19th century - early 20th century
rawhide, semi-tanned hide, paint
Object Type: 
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Previous Number(s): 
Not On View

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