Oct. 15, 1912. Mr. Malcolm S. Mackay, New York. My dear Mr. Mackay: You letter regarding the round up picture received. First of all Chas. can not[sic] do that picture for one thousand dollars. You see the canvas will be nearly five feet long and there will be a great number of figures. As you have some of Chas.’ paintings you will know the amount of work on that canvas with that subject, and you can realize the tremendous amount of work necessary to portray almost every phase of the old roundup. The best Chas. can do that painting for is $1800.00 We will pay the expenss[sic] to New York. I cannot remember the exact design on the frame for “Jerked Down” but you can get the same thing or something very similar at Newcombs & Macklin, 28th st. & fifth ave. They are the people I bought my frames of. Naturally Chas. is very much interested in that subject and if you decide to have do the painting for you I know he will send you a work that will make you want to start west at once: only you would not find that here now. Kindest regards to you all from Chas.
[Transcribed by Melynda Seaton, 2011-10-12]