October 27 1925 Mr. Malcolm S. MacKay, Tenafly, New Jersey. Dear Malc: I am asking for a business man’s opinion again as last year. Your medicine was so good last year that I want to have anoth- dose of the same. Now, I have a vague idea the thing for us to do would be to have a hotel apartment, take our pictures and show them ourselves tour won clientele. What do you think? I have found in the past it is the personal contact in every case that develops into anything. If I can get the little man, Defty, who used to be with Folsom, but who I now a free lancer. I believe we would have a pleasanter time and do more business without connecting ourselves with any gallery. I may be counting too much on the power of Charlie’s pictures I am asking your candid opinion.[next] Mr. Cobb said that he would see that we got newspaper no- tices and if will give our location in the paper any outsider that was really interested would, I believe, look us up. However, my mind is open and any suggestions from people who the ways of the city and the way people think will be greatly appreciated by me. People with whom I have talked seem to think December is the ideal time for New York. We would want to be back in Great Falls for Christmas so this would mean three weeks in December. Again, I quote Mr. Cobb: He suggested a hotel on Park Avenue. I cannot re- member its name but he said he would inquire as to the possibility of an apartment with a room sufficiently large for us to use. Does that seem too far out of the beaten trail? Would some hotel on Fifth Avenue be better? Charlie is off hunting and it is ideal weather for hunting as the snow is blowing and it is as cold as it can be. He does not know anything about what I am doing in trying to arrange for this trip east. I want to have it well outlined and then I fell that the call of his friends in the East will make it less disagreeable to him Our kindest regards to you all. Sincerely.
[Transcribed by Melynda Seaton, 2011-10-12]