725 Michigan Blvd., Pasadena, California. April 4th, 1934. Dr. Philip G. Cole, 551 Fifth Avenue, New York City, New York. Dear Philip: Your letter of March 14th, gave me a lot of pleas- ure. I always enjoy hearing from you. Your Russell collection is getting entirely out of all reach but I think what you are doing is perfectly wonderful. You are certainly going to have the his- torical collection! The first picture you described in your letter of the 14th, is an oil that I do have. Its title is “The Call of the Law”. The second picture is called “Heads or Tails” and the third is “Cinch Ring”. Regarding the black and white pictures, I might possibly be able to give you the titles if I could see a photograph of them. You will have them photo- graphed no doubt and if you will send me a photograph of each, I will do my best to recall their titles. Charlie’s pictures are some times very similar but there is nearly always something in the picture to give me an inkling to its proper title. In regard to “Carson’s Men”, will you give me an idea about what you would be willing to pay for this picture and if I go into Canada this summer, I will have something definite to offer the owner. I do not know whether or not you are interested in the Indian Grave picture. It shows a squaw with her little boy sitting below a scaffold on which her husband has been buried or “gone to the sun”. The warrior’s horse which has been killed to carry him inot the happy hunt- ing ground, is in the background. This is the only picture of its kind that Charlie ever painted and al- though it may sound a little gruesome, it really isn’t when you see it. It is more pathetic and makes your heart go out to the lonely woman and the little kid. I know you are not fond of pictures of lifeless animals but this picture is so very interesting and different. And again, I have no idea what it could Dr. Philip C. Cole -2- be purchased for. I know it would be an addition to a collection as complete as yours. Thanks very much for your kindness in assisting Mrs. Sutherland. She, too, appreciates it, I know. Jack and I are both fine. Kindest regards to you and yours. Sincerely,
[Transcribed by Lauren B. Gerfen, 2011-10-31]