December 28, 1920 Mr. Jas. W. Bollinger, Putnam Building, Davenport, Iowa. Dear Judge: We have written for tickets to New York and unless they are routed in such a way that we cannot touch davenport, we will see you Friday or Saturday, January 7th or 8th. We will only be able to stay one night as we are due to be in Pittsburg on the 10th. It is so vague to me, railroad times and routes, that I can’t tell you just the way we are going until I hear from Seattle where I have written about out[sic] tickets. Please thank Mrs. Bollinger for me for your kind invitation and we will surely enjoy seeing you both, and will do our best to be with you for at least one day. Charley and I join in wishing you all the Good Things for The New Year and Everything in it. Sincerely, NCR-F
[Transcribed by Melynda Seaton Incomplete , 2012-06-26]