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John Singleton Copley in England / Emily Ballew Neff with an essay by William L. Pressly.
Neff, Emily Ballew, 1963-
The year of the Hopi : paintings and photographs by Joseph Mora, 1904-1907 / with essays by Tyrone Stewart, Frederick Dockstader, Barton Wright an exhibition organized and circulated by the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service, 1979-1981
Mora, Joseph Jacinto, 1876-1947.

Frederick William MacMonnies (1863-1937), Mary Fairchild MacMonnies (1858-1946) : deux artistes amřicains ̉ Giverny, 18 juin 1988-11 septembre 1988, Musě Municipal A.-G. Poulain-Vernon. /


111 p. : ill. 27 cm.

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Frederick William MacMonnies (1863-1937), Mary Fairchild MacMonnies (1858-1946) : deux artistes amřicains ̉ Giverny, 18 juin 1988-11 septembre 1988, Musě Municipal A.-G. Poulain-Vernon.. N6537.M315 A4 1988. Tulsa: Gilcrease Museum,

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