Pasadena, California. September 19, 1932. Mr. John B. Ritch, Lewiston, Montana. Dear Mr. and Mrs. Ritch: We all enjoyed being with you people so much that even- ing and the Lewis’ said they hoped to have you visit them in Kalispell. They are old timers and love to talk and hear about the early days in Montana. The one regret I’ll have is that I can’t he there when you do go to see them. I hope you won’t wait too long as I am sure you would enjoy Kalispell and the hospi- tality that will be extended to you. I was so happy to hear what you and Mr. Lewis had to say regarding the model of Charlie. When the excite- ment of the election is over, I hope the ball will start rolling and enough funds will be accumulated with which to start the campaign in February. I am trust- ing to your fertile brain to outline a letter that will put a string on the funds, giving more than one artist an opportunity to submit ideas or a master be asked to model the figure, - there are a number of them in the United States. I am anxious to hear if Borglum would be interested in doing the model for an amount the State can afford to pay. Won’t you let him know how desirous we are of having his ideas on the subject ? If he is not inter- ested in modeling the figure himself, it would be wonderful for the committee to have his opinion on the models submitted. You know his position in the world of art. He has the advantage of understanding the West and would know the artistic perfection and likeness to Charlie that every one in Montana wants. When you write to Dr. Philip G. Cole, ask for his opinion on Borglum as a counselor for the Commission. I am writing Mrs. Bielenberg in Deer Lodge to know what her contact was and I enclose a copy of my letter to her. Won’t you write to her? I understand Mr. Lewis has Mr. John B. Ritch -2- $500.00 pledged to that fund now and there is no doubt if you tackle this finance thing with the people you know who are interested in Montana as well as in Charlie, you will succeed in getting an amount that will interest the State. I trust the cool weather has continued to make you feel better and that you are at least having some comfort. My hope is that Mrs. Ritch will come out with flying colors in her undertaking. Sincerely, cc Ethel Bielenberg Encl.
[Transcribed by Lauren B. Gerfen, 2012-11-20]