( COPY ) [handwritten] copy C September 5, 1931. Governor J. E. Erickson, Helena, Montana. My dear Governor Erickson: It is necessary for me to leave for California tomorrow to put Jack in school. All summer I have planned to see you, but before doing so, I had hoped to see Mrs. Lincoln’s model. However, for some reason I have not been permitted to see it. I wrote Mrs. Lincoln some two months ago and to date have received no reply. Senator Walsh tried without success to arrange a time when he and I could go to Great Falls together. Also, Mr. Ritch wrote suggesting that I should be given an opportunity to see the model but Mr. Lincoln answered saying that no one could at the present time. I was in Great Falls last week and talked with many people who had seen the model but not one was satis- fied. All join me in my desire that something truly fine, artistic and like Charlie in his prime be produced. No one wants him too young but he deserves to be portrayed in his full strength and vigor typifying the West so that Montana will always be proud of its representative in the Hall of Fame. I have seen Mr. Lewis who was never satisfied with the Lincoln model and also Mr. Ritch who tells me he did not know the date of the choosing and seems to think that he was overlooked and had no voice in the matter. This is too bad since he was the one who originated the Bill. With two members of the Commission out of three dissatisfied it would seem that with your help some plan might be worked out to every one’s satisfaction. I have every confidence that you three men will solve this problem so that it will receive the unanimous approval of the Leg- islature when it meets again. Please tell Mrs. Erickson how sorry I am to have missed her when she called with Mrs. Wheeler. I had counted upon seeing you both while in Montana and hope for better luck next year. If you are in California this winter, do let me know for I should be very happy to see you . Sincerely, (signed) NANCY C. RUSSELL
[Transcribed by Lauren B. Gerfen, 2012-11-26]