Pasadena, California May 6, 1931. Mr. Ralph Budd, President, Great Northern Railroad, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Mr. Budd: Your letter of April 30th, received. It is hard to find words to tell you how much I appreciate the interest you are taking in the model the Commission has chosen to represent Charlie in the National Hall of Fame. I am glad you do not approve of it because it would be a disgrace to Charlie’s memory and to Montana as it is within the power of the State to get a truly fine artistic piece of work. I understand the legislature has made no appro- privation and that nothing definite will be done until after legislature meets two years hence but in the meantime we cannot be quiet on the subject. I feel the Commission that was chosen should be replaced by open minded citizens without personal grudge or gain as the honor which is being shown Charlie’s memory is much greater than any indi- vidual and I am sure you agree with me. Thank you for what you have already done and what you will do in helping to carry this undertaking to a perfect finish. Sincerely,
[Transcribed by Lauren B. Gerfen, 2012-11-26]