Pasadena, California April 24, 1931. Governor J. E. Erickson, H e l e n a, Montana. My dear Governor Erickson: A clipping from a Helena paper of April 12th, showed me you received my telegram protesting the model chosen by the Commission. I had hoped so that Montana would reconsider the model that is to represent Charlie for all time in our National Hall of Fame. From what I have been able to learn none of the models submitted are worthy to fill that niche. Isn’t it possible to have the Commission delay until something truly fine and worthy is produced? I have no desire to dictated who should make that model but my one and only thought is that it be worthy or Montana and a likeness of Charlie as we want to re- member him. I am enclosing an editorial which concerns the nation. Sincerely, [signed] Nancy C. Russell Encl.
[Transcribed by Lauren B. Gerfen, 2012-11-26]