Pasadena, California May 6, 1931. Governor J. E. Erickson, H e l e n a, Montana. My dear Gov. Erickson: Your letter of May 1st, has just been read. I certainly appreciate your kindness and the in- formation given. It is a pity there has been so much controversy over the unworthy model which the Commission se- lected and it is good to know that not all on the Commission were satisfied with the models submitted. I am sure that later, in the final decision, when likenesses of Charlie and fine pieces of art come up, your judgment of what is appropriate to do honor both to the State and to Charlie, will carry much weight. I hope I shall have the pleasure of seeing you and Mrs. Erickson while I am in Montana this summer. Yours sincerely,
[Transcribed by Lauren B. Gerfen, 2012-11-26]