August 17, 1931. Mrs. Ethel M. Bielenberg Deer Lodge, Montana. Dear Mrs. Bielenberg: Your kind letter with the enclosed clipping made me very happy. It is good to know that a group like the Society of Sons and Daughters of Montana Pioneers were unanimous in feeling that Charlie must be represented by a life- like, artistic piece of work. So far as I have learned this is the first published criticism from Montana people and it will grow and help those in authority see that something better must be pro- duced. I have made every effort pos- sible to see the original model. I wrote to Mrs. Lincoln three weeks ago asking her to set a time when I might see it but have had no response. I expect to be in your part of the state Thursday of Friday and will stop to see you as I wish tot alk[sic] with you and thank you in person for your interest and help in thi s[sic] matter. I am writing Mr. McCormick today, as you suggested. Gratefully yours,
[Transcribed by Lauren B. Gerfen, 2012-11-26]