6816 Odin Street, Hollywood, California, May 2, 1926. Mr. Reginald Townsend, Editor “Country Life”. Garden City, N. Y. Dear Mr. Townsend: I am sending, under separate cover, some photographs for you to choose from, also having a photograph sent from Santa Bar- bara, of Charlie. It is taken from a portrait by Arthur Hazzard[sic], and we think it very good. I trust they will reach you in good condition and that you may find among them what you want, Sincerely, P.S. Since writing this I find I haven’t enough photographs of the bronze, so am asking Peter A. Juley, of 219 East 39th Street, New York, to send you copies of all the bronzes he has photographed. From those make your choice and please mail to me those you don’t use.
[Transcribed by Lauren B. Gerfen, 2012-12-20]