725 Michigan Blvd., Pasadena, California. December 11th, 1937. Mr. Fletcher Wiley, c/o K N X Broadcasting Station, Hollywood, California. Dear Mr. Wiley: I should like to tell you how much we enjoy your afternoon talks. Sometimes it seems as though you know a person’s shortcomings and you go right after us and give us some good advice. Your description of the dried fruits specially packed for Christmas is very intriguing. If you will permit me to make a suggestion I might say that if the fruit packers would take the trouble to put in a pound of Diamond Brand, or some first –class brand of walnuts, a pound of almonds and a pound of paper-shell pecans in the boxes, it would make a perfect Christmas package. Will you please put in an order for me for thirty (30) boxes of the fruit with those lovely plump prunes you mentioned that made our mouths water and the fine figs and dates and if the nuts may be included that will be fine, if not, I want the boxes anyway. If the nuts are added, it will be fine don’t you think and it will add greatly to thebox. Send the boxes to A.J. McInnes Market, 440 Rosemead Blvd, Pasadena, California. If possible, I should like to have them by Wednesday, December 15th, 1937. Some of these boxes are going to Alaska, some to Montana and some to New York and I want them to do justice to California. I believe I understood you to say the fruit is packed in a box ready to ship, all one has to do is to put on the stickers and address and away it goes by express. I, for one, wish to thank you very much indeed for the suggestion and congratulate you on the good work you are doing over the net work. Very truly yours, N.B. If you still have any of those pamphlets on ways of preparing salmon, I should appreciate it very much if you will send me one. N.C.R.
[Transcribed by Lauren B. Gerfen, 2013-01-02]