November 21st, 1919. Mr. James W. Bollinger, Putnam Building, Davenport, Iowa. Dear Judge: Your letter with your note for $1500.00 received. Thank you. It is perfectly O. K. Also, I do appreciate your send- ing Robin’s letter which I am returning to you with another letter which was inclosed [sic] by mistake. I have ordered a new frame for a “Dangerous Cripple” and Chas. is branding the horse today so it will be O.K. for you by Christmas. Your water color was sent by ex- press November 12th. I hope you have received it. Chas. has almost finished “The Buffalo Hunt” and it is all right. You fellows surely did have a good time on that mountain trip as Charlie too is talking about it all the time. Things like that keep folks young and happy. Charlie will surely visit you in December if the coal strike does not prevent our going. Kindest regards from us both to you and yours. Very sincerely,
[Transcript by Lauren B. Gerfen, 2012-09-13]