725 Michigan Boulevard Pasadena, California. February 26, 1936. Mrs. C.W. Tupper Route #2, Box 43, Nez Perce, Idaha. [sic] Dear Mrs. Tupper: The publishing company in Helena, Montana, forwarded your letter of February 5th, to me. From the title, I think the picture you refer to must have been painted by some other Russell as Charlie Russell’s pictures were all figures de- picting the life in the Northwest. The title “Ruins in Wales” does not tell me anything and I cannot give you any in- formation regarding the picture. Very truly yours, -verso- name and am proud that it is placed in the gallery with the “euphonious” names. All good wishes for your continued good health and for the success of your book. Sincerely,
[Transcript by Lauren B. Gerfen, 2012-08-30]