September 20, 1922. Mr. Charles F. Lummis, 200 E. Ave. 43, Los Angeles, Cal. Dear Mr. Lummis: Charlie wrote you a few days ago regarding the Los Angeles Times. We are awfully sorry we missed getting your letter, but when we left for home from the lake, we went a round- a-bout way so our mail was not received for several weeks. I hope our letter was in time to be of some use to Mrs. Lummis. I have not been able to do anything with our “Hoss” in the shape of getting it into life size bronze, but I have not forgotten your instructions, so will keep it in the back of my head and if the time seems right, I will do my best to have that thing scaled up. I hope your health is much improved and that Mrs. Lummis is winner in the race. Sincerely, NR-a
[Transcript by Lauren B. Gerfen, 2012-08-30]