December 31, 1929. Mr. G. E. Lonberger, 6014 Harper Ave., Chicago, Ill. Dear Mr. Lonberger: Your letter of Dec. 27th with check for $563.50 received in payment for the bronze sent Mrs. Buhl. Your explanation was really a surprise to me as I under- stood Mrs. Buhl was going to send me the check. That was why I said I’d, in turn, send you the commission. The way you’ve handled it is perfectly satisfactory with me. I know when a person has a client, it’s much better if let alone. I think Mr. Buhl and yourself are very happy in your business relations and I’d never in any way interfere. When things are adjusted a little more in the stock market, and if Mr. Buhl is interested in seeing other things that I have, I’ll be happy to send them to him at your request. Regarding your postscript, I bought the oil painting by Charlie of the Buffalo Fight from Jack Smith and paid him in two payments, first $1000.00 and about a week later $1750.00, which made a total of $2750.00, so you were misinformed as to what I paid Mr. Smith. Wishing you health and success in all your undertakings, I am Sincerely, NCR:ED P.S. Please find enclosed a copy of a little note I have written Mrs. Buhl.
[Transcript by Lauren B. Gerfen, 2012-09-04]