March 19, 1929. Senator Tom O. Larson, Choteau, Montana. Dear Senator Larson: It is with such pleasure that I hear you have taken an active part in getting the Bill passed through the Legis- lature, making a memorial statue of Charlie, to go in the Hall of Statuary in Washington. The service rendered to the State by those actively interested in this movement will be known in years to come. I feel as you do, Charlie has earned this honor with his work and life in Montana. The memorial can be made into a pure, Western type that will not only represent Charlie Russell but the State of Montana and it’s early making. I thank you for the honor you have shown Charlie and if there is anything I can do to help the work, I would be most happy to do so. Please call on me. Sincerely, NCR:ED
[Transcript by Lauren B. Gerfen, 2012-09-07]