Reginald T. Townsend Editor Co Life Gardening Dear Mr. T. Thank you for your letter of Oct. 1st also for the enclosed letter from Mr. Kennedy – sincerely- ___________________________________________ Mr. M.L. Kennedy- Broad Street Station, Philadelphia Penn. Thank you for your letter of Sept. 28- Mr. R hopes to have his trail cross yours he too [illegible] to live over this day before the [fairary?] was found under fenced [sic] and taken by tumble weeds. We are not planning an Exhib. [sic] East this year – but will go to Los Angeles in Jan. for four months. Mr. R. has not been very well so we are seeking the warmer climate for a while – if you should visit the south West please let us know and we would be so happy to meet you a better add to Great Falls will be forwarded to us when ever we are and we will look you up- Sincerely
[Transcript by Lauren B. Gerfen, 2012-09-10]