October 27 1926 Mr. Geo. D. Sack, 12 East 86th St., New York City. Dear Mr. Sack: We were very happy to have your letter and were awfully sorry you people could not get to our Glacier park this summer, but now there is hope of another year. I suppose you are back in the big city in your new apartment and are completely surrounded by Russell bronze. Can you believe this husband of mine has not modeled one speck? I know you are going to be disappointed as well as I but there is a possibility of our coming to New York for the month of December and if we do that and get the kind of hotel apartment that we hope to, it is possible that Charlie will model there. Our plans are not laid well enough to be able to tell you positive, only we wanted you to know that if we did come we are looking forward to renewing the friendship that was started last year. We hope that your summer was a joyous one and that you are all feeling fine. Sincerely,
[Transcript by Lauren B. Gerfen, 2012-09-12]