Trail’s End Pasadena, California October 19th, 1927 Mr. Dan R. Conway 608 13th St. North Great Falls, Montana Dear Mr. Conway: Your very good letters are much appreciated and I am so glad you are starting to turn the big wheel and with the sincerity of the few that are going to work on that memorial proposition, I believe you will succeed. I will give you a list of some names and I think it will be dreadful if they are not used properly. Thore [sic] must be no begging letters to any of these people. This thing is to be for love and not extract money with pincers. I have your promise as well as Mr. Fligman’s that these names are not to be used for any such purpose. I really could have shaken you for writing to Bill Hart, it strikes me as being kind of funny as I read your letter though. I could have told you that Will Rogers was tied up to his eyes and that Will Rogers should not be approach- ed any further on this Russell Memorial business. I can’t help but think Montana is going to finish with Charlie and we without having us cost them a cent. They will extract the necessary funds from outside of her boundaries just as we have always our living other places and come back to all Montana to live. My heart will be glad when I hear that that old state has sons that are willing to show they appreciated Charlie enough to help towards building a memory shrine to him. I have said too much but you know my heart and the feeling that has been built up in the past year. Now I am going to talk about other things. I expect to leave for New York in about two weeks. Will have the memorial exhibition at the Grand Central Galleries opening the 7th of November for four weeks so I am a very busy lady getting the pictures listed ready for cataloguing and packed for shipment. I think I said something about planting roses when I struck Trail’s End. There is going to be no rose planting until spring in this yard I am afraid. I will be glad to hear that the manuscript is on its way and I will see Mr. Maule personally when I get to New York. I believe that will help matters too. I was down to spend the week end with Jack and he certainly was glad to see me. We both wept. Mrs. DeYong is coming down to be with me for a few days the end of this week so the old crew, Banty, Martha, Ted and I will be a busy bunch getting things put away, others packed and off for the New Year show. I know they would all join in kindest regards to the Conway family. Sincerely, Mr. W. M. Armstrong Pacific Finance B ldg., Los Angeles Mr. H. P. Allcott 1310 Keenan Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. Mr. Carl Akley (Artist) 9 Bayeau Road, New Rochelle, N.Y. Mr. Lawrence Abbott 381 Fourth Ave. “The Outlook” New York, N.Y. Judge James W. Bollinger 513 Putnam Bldg., Davenport, Iowa Mr. B. Buck Augusta, Montana Mr. Barnado Braga Alpine, New Jersey Mr. William A. Beahr 360 St. Palos St., Glencoe, Ill. Mr. Ed Borein “The Patio” 29 E. de la Guerra St. Santa Barbara, Calif. Mr. John Berger 1929 Bath Santa Barbara, Calif. Mr. Francis M. Bernadin Belmont Hotel Kansas City, Mo. Mr. James F. Bippus Huntington Light & Fuel Co. Huntington, Indiana Mr. Warren S. Blawelt Terre Naute, Indiana Mr. Ralph Budd, President Great Northern Railway St. Paul, Minn. Mrs. Melvin A. B rannon 427 Power St. Helena, Montana Mrs. Charles M. Bair Billings, Montana Mr. Bradford Brinton Sheridan, Wyoming Mr. Edwin C. Brown 130 East Elmwood Place Minneapolis, Minn. Mr. Teddy Blue 3 Deuce Ranch Gilt Edge, Montana Mr. Jameson Brown 330 Cornell Ave., Missoula, Mont Mr. Geo. C. Baer Vice Pres. of The Roundup Pendleton, Oregon Dr. Geo. E. Brown Rochester, Minn. Mr. Willis T. Burns Park Hotel, Plainfield, N. J. Mr. Frederick W. Cloud 534 Consolidated Bldg. Las Angeles, Calif. Mr. Dane Coolidge Dwight Way End, Berkeley, Calif. Mr. J. H. Chapin Chas. Scribner’s Sons 153 Fifth Ave., New York City Mr. W. B. Campbell Cherry Creek Ranch, Kamloops, B.C., Canada Mr. A. E. Cross Calgary, Alta, Canada Mr. Harry Carey Sausus [sic], Calif. Mr. Will Rogers Beverly Hills, Calif. Mr. Thomas F. Cole 120 Broadway, New York City Mr. Austin Coreoran Grand Junction, Colorado Mr. Frederick A. Chadborn Columbus, Wis. Mr. A. N. Chisholm 1852 N. Second St. Duluth, Minn. Mr. Edward C. Congdon 415 Hawthorne Road. Duluth, Minn. Mr. Irvin S. Cobb 830 Park Ave., New York City Dr. Philip G. Cole % A. Schrader’s Son, Inc. 470 Vanderbilt Ave., Brookly n, N.Y. Mr. Geo T. Cole (Artist) 1103 N. El Centrl [sic] Los Angeles, Calif. Mr. Ruben W. Collins Venice, Florida Mr. Randolph Carter Beverly Hills, Calif. Mr. Chas Cromwell Warran, Arizona Mrs. Edward L. Doheny 8 Chester Place Los Angeles, Calif. Miss Mary Denny 721 First Ave. North, Great Falls Dr. J.H. Driscoll Be4erly [sic] Hills, Calif. Mr. Kier Davis 231 S. La Salle St. , Chicago, Ill. Mr. H.T. Duckett Tustin, Calif. Mr. M. L. Evans Emerson, Iowa Mr. Bradford H. Ellis 536 S. Hill St., Los Angeles Mr. L. O. Evans 849 W. Calena St., Butte, Mont. Lt. Col. Charles W. Furlong B ox 222 Back Bay, Boston, Mass R. G. Fernald 422 Santa Barbara St., Santa Barbara Mr. Douglas Fairbanks Beverly Hills, Calif. Mr. Frank E. Fulkenson Jerseyville, Ill Mr. W. R. Felton Felton Fur Co. 311 Pearl St., Sioux City, Iowa Mr. Walter Addison Fox Ardmore, Pa. Mr. Charles Fernald Chicago Athletic Assn. 12 So. Mich. Ave., Chicago, Ill. Mr. C. A. Guernsey B rown Palace Hotel, Denver, Colo. Mrs. W. F. Grange 216 Chestnut Road Sewickley, Pa. Mr. Philip R. Goodwin Lewis & Grove Sts. Mamaroneck, New York G. Bird Grinnell 238 E. 15th St., New York City Mr. E. I. Holland 315 S. Harvard Blvd., Los Angeles Mr. Joe Hardeman 1106 W. Howe St. Seattle, Washington Mr. Wallace Huidekoper Wallace, Montana Mr. C. E. Hatch Inglewood, New Jersey Mr. Wm. S. Hart 8341 DeLongpre Ave., Hollywood, Cal. Mr. Geo. G. Heye Broadway & 155th St., New York Mr. W. L. Hawley 614 Hutton Bldg., Spokane, Wash. Dr. Arthur Husser Havre, Mont. Mr. John F. Holman 1739 N. St. Washington, D.C. Dr. Francis R. Hagner 1824 19th N. W., Washington, D.C. Mrs. F. I. Holmes 2806 Park Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Dr. Jack H opkins 1826 Mooves River Drive Lansing, Michigan Mr. David Filger Room 106 Capitol Bldg., Helena, Mont. Mr. W. H. Heins 79 7th Ave & 15th St., New York City Mr. C. B. Irwin Cheyenne, Wyo. Mr. F. H. Insinger American Wood Pipe Co., Tacoma, Wash Mr. E. G. Jacques 1207 W. 9th St., Kansas City, Mo Mr. Chas. S. King 3 Sherbrooke Road, Scarsdale, N. Y. Mr. C. F. Kelley 907 Fifth Ave., New York City Mr. Joseph Keppler Woodland, Ulster Co., New York Mr. Wm. Korn, Davenport, Iowa Mr. Justine Klotz, M. D. 519 W. 121st., New York City Mr. C. N. Kessler 876 Victoria Ave., Los Angeles. Mr. F. M. Kerr % A. C. M. Co., Butte, Mont. Miss Agnes C. Laut Wassaic, New York Mr. John E. Lewis Columbia Falls, Mont. Mr. F. I. Long 138 S. Mariposa St., Los Angeles Mr. Chas. O. Middleton 706 N. Linden Drive Beverly Hills, Calif. Mr. Malcolm S. MacKay Tenafly, New Jersey Mr. Geo. B. Phillips 708 Mills Bldg. San Francisco, Calif. Mr. John D. Ryan 42 Broadway, New York City Mrs. T. F. Roberts Cottonwood Grove Ranch, B owman, N. Dak. Mr. William Hopping Seely The Osborne Calendar Co. Newark, New Jersey Mr. Geo. D. Sack 350 E. 57th St. New York, N.Y. Mr. F. M. Steiner 1920 James Ave. S. Minneapolis. Minn. Mr. John F. Stevens Union League, Chicago, Ill Mr. John B. Trevor 11 E. 91st St., New York City Mrs. G. F. Tharp Polson, Montana Mr. J. P. Tirrill R. R. 1 – Box 177, Clayton, Mo. Mr. Howard Vanderslice 1243 W. 59th St., Kansas City, Mo Mr. J. D. Watson Great Falls, Mont. Mr. Casper Whitney Irvington-on-Hudson, New York Dr. E. A. Wasson 77 Milford Ave., Newark, N. J. Mr. Guy Weadick Alberta, Canada Mr. A. E. Wilson First Nat’l Bank Bldg., Denver Mr. Coy Warden 955 Sheridan Road, Glencoe, Ill. Mr. William Allen White The Emporia Gazette Emporia, Kansas Hon. Thomas Walsh 2400 16th St., Washington, D.C. Miss Helen Wisler 328 B uena Vista Road, Los Angeles Mrs. H.P. Webster Coutts via St. Kilda Alberta, Canada
[Transcript by Lauran B. Gerfen, 2012-09-28]