Dear Mr. Albright Your letter of Sept 3rd ^received^ first The former letter must have been lost. Your ^The^ painting you speak of came by Express delivered Sept 6th I paid $1806 charges – you were very rash to send the painting to me with out [sic] first hearing from me – There is no chance to sell a painting at the price you valued this one to any of my clientel [sic] & it would be very foolish for you to come to Cal. with the idea of assisting me in disposing of the painting – There are an lot of people trying to sell or help sell with out much luck, you would have more chance in Montana than here and I am afraid I cannot be of much assistance. I took the painting out of the box. I do not know anyone who would pay $4000- for it – what shall I do with it
[Transcript by Lauren B. Gerfen, 2012-10-02]