Pasadena, California October 21, 1930. Mr. Edward L. Albright, Rosebud, M o n t a n a. Dear Mr. Albright: I was glad to get your letter of October 13th, and if you wish me to keep your mother’s painting, I will keep it here in my Studio. It is possible some one [sic] might come along who would purchase it but I think $2,000.00 would be a big price es- pecially when everything is at the depressed con- dition it is. If you are willing I should offer it at that price, I shall try. I am not at all sure I can sell it at all but I shall do my best. It worried me when the painting came and I had no idea from whom or what – that’s why I wrote you as I did. Since writing I have received another of your letters which explained a little more clearly You see I do not wish to be responsible for anything as valuable without knowing something of the reason why. I hope you have insurance on the canvas. Let me hear immediately whether I shall offer the picture at the price mentioned above. Sincerely,
[Transcript by Lauren B. Gerfen, 2012-10-02]