June 5, 1929. Mr. Ira Rich Kent, Houghton-Mifflin Co., 2 Park St., Boston, Mass. Dear Mr. Kent: Your letter of May 28th was received. Yes, indeed, I have a copy of Mr. Hart’s book, “My Life East and West,” autographed by him. He is one of Charlie’s and my good friends. I love the way he has written his life’s story. It is so simple and will certainly interest anyone. My work on Charlie’s Biography is really going to grow a lot this coming Summer. I will be leaving for the mountains around the 20th of June and really ex- pect to do a lot of work up there, as I will use Charlie’s studio for my workshop and I believe associations will bring things back to me very clearly. To prove to you that I am really thinking about it, I believe I have the title for the book. How does this sound? “Backtracking In Memory.” Does that tickle the imagination of a casual observer to want to look inside of the cover? I belong so entirely to the West that it is hard for me to realize what would be necessary to attract the interest of the great mass of people. Thank you for reminding me of the work because it does help to keep it before me. Sincerely, NCR: ED
[Transcript by Lauren B. Gerfen, 2012-10-09]