February 9, 1926 Dear Mrs. Russell: I just want to remind you that I never got the photographs of Mr. Russell’s paintings for reproduction as frontispieces in our magazine, WEST, and was wondering if the matter simply slipped your mind. As I told you, we have used some of William R. Leigh’s, a couple by Will James and, of course, we want to use some of Mr. Russell’s if we possibly can. Mr. Townsend tells me that he hasn’t heard from you with regard to Country Life either but, of course, he wants to reproduce the pictures in color whereas all I need are photographs of some of the ones with cowboy action. With all best wishes, and trusting that you will let me hear from you as promptly as convenient, I am, Yours very sincerely, Mrs. C. M. Russell [signed] H.E. Maule Great Falls, Montana HEM:F
[Transcribed by Lauren B. Gerfen, 2012-05-07]