April 17, 1926 Dear Mrs. Russell: I was delighted to hear from you and assure you that we shall go right to work now making estimates on a big folio of Mr. Russell’s paintings. The more we think of the idea the more interested we are in it but we are also becoming more convinced that such a book, even the big one, ought to have a certain amount of text in it. Therefore, I should think that we could use the same text ^[handwritten] in the big one^ as that of the book of reminiscences interspersing it with some black and whites along with the big color prints. We all felt that the text is quite essential to the book and I agree with you that it would be best for Mr. Russell to write this in his own way as you suggest rather than to have a col- laborator work with him. Just as soon as we have made these estimates I will write to you further but in the meanwhile won’t you do all you can to push along the text? Probably we can work out some way for using the same plates in the book as we use in Country Life but in a book where we plan to use quite a few of the pictures, the Country Life plates would only help a degree in any case. I haven’t received the copies of “More Raw- hides” yet and would appreciate it if you would check up the people in Great Falls who should have sent them. Incidentally, I’m planning to go on another pack train trip on the south fork of the Flathead this summer and if you and Mr. Russell are at home in Belton them I shall hope to see you when we can talk. We shall be in Belton about the 28th of July, I think. With all best wishes, I am, Yours very sincerely, Mrs. C. M. Russell [signed] H.E. Maule 6816 Odin Street Hollywood, Calif. HEM:F
[Transcribed by Lauren B. Gerfen, 2012-05-07]