February 24, 1927 Mrs. Charles M. Russell 701 Michigan Blvd. Pasadena, Calif. Dear Mrs. Russell- Thank you for your good letter of February 19th, and we would like to know first whether your Pasadena address is to be your permanent one, or whether we should continue to address you at Great Falls, Montana. We have written you several times asking that you send us at once another copy of the bronze entitled “Where the Best of Riders Quit”. We must deliver this to our client at once, and will appreciate your advising us when we may expect it. I will write you under separate cover regarding a memorial exhibition. With kindest wishes, I am Very truly yours, [signed] Erwin S. Barrie Manager ESB/MT [over] [handwritten] Captain [illegible] Pacific Beach
[Transcribed by Lauren B. Gerfen, 2012-05-07]