June 2, 1930 Mrs. C. M. Russell “Trail’s End”, 725 Michigan Blvd., Pasadena, Calif. Dear Mrs. Russell: This is in reply to your letter of May 24th addressed to Mr. Barrie. We have checked you report with our records and we found only one price wrong and this has now been adjusted. We have, however, one bronze which you did not list; it is “Horse Wrangler” and our price for this is $600. Please advise us if this is not correct. The four bronzes have just been received this afternoon and we are sorry to report that “Where the Best of Riders Quit” is damaged. One leg of the horse is cracked. We wanted to let you know immediately about this so that is they were insured you could report same to your insurance agents. We shallbe[sic] glad to take care of having this repaired for you. Please advise. Very truly yours, [signed] Gertrude R. Cummings Gertrude R. Cummings, Office Manager. C:H
[Transcribed by Lauren B. Gerfen, 2012-05-30]