March 24, 1931. Mrs. Charles M. Russell, “Trail’s End”, 725 Michigan Blvd., Pasadena, Calif- Dear Mrs. Russell: I am now starting to purchase the paintings and bronzes that we need to make up the complete list for our 1931 Founders Exhi- bition. In order to keep our Lay Members as subscribers it is necessary, or course, to have exceptionally fine works of art, and we must have our lay membership subscriptions in order to meet our running expenses. We would like very much to have the bronze entitled “The Twister” and if you are willing to let us have it for $400., we will send you our check immediately and shall consider that you have greatly helped the Galleries. With kindest wishes, Yours truly, [signed] Erwin S. Barrie Manager. C:H
[Transcribed by Lauren B. Gerfen, 2012-06-26]