August 1, 1932. RECEIVED from Charles M. Russell___________________ the objects described below, offered to the Association for exhibition, subject to the conditions on the back of this receipt. [handwritten] 1 Will Rogers [illegible] 11-15-34 sold 12-8-34 [All entries marked with handwritten X] [x] “The Twister” 1000. [x] “Bucker and Buckaroo” [handwritten]- 750. [x] “Watcher of the Plains” [handwritten]- 400. [x] “Jim Bridger” [handwritten]- 750. [x] “Spirit of Winter” [handwritten]-same as “Winter” 500. [x] “Bear and Jug” [handwritten]- 125. [x] “Texas Steer” [handwritten]- 125. [x] “Spirit of Winter” [handwritten]- 500. [x] “Secrets of the Night”[handwritten]- 500. [x] “Robe Flesher” [handwritten]- 125. [x] “Lone Wolf” [handwritten]- 300. [x] “ “ “ [handwritten]- 300. [x] “Scalp Dancer” [handwritten] 250. [x] “Bluffers” [handwritten]- 450. [x] “ “ “ [handwritten]- 450. [x] “Mountain Mother” [handwritten] Sold 12-29-32 375. [x] “Buffalo Family” [handwritten]- 375. [x]"Meat for Wild Men” [handwritten]- 2000. [x] “Buffalo Lying Down” [handwritten]- 125. [x] “Where the Best of Riders Quit”[handwritten]- 750. > given to “Founders Guild” [x] “Piegan Squaw” [handwritten]- 150. [x] “ “ “ “ [handwritten]- 150. [x] “The Enemy ^T^hat Warns” [handwritten]- 300. [x] “Snake ^P^ riest” [handwritten] sold 1-18-36 150. [x] “Counting Coupe” [handwritten]- 1000. [x] “Nature’s Cattle” [handwritten]- 350. [x] “The Range Father”[handwritten]- 400. [x] “Enemy’s Tracks” [handwritten] sold 12-8-34 500. [x] “The Bug Hunters” [handwritten]- 300. [x] “Oh! Mother, What Is It?” [handwritten] –sold 5-28-35 150. for 125.00 [x] “Snake Priest” [handwritten]- 150. “Smoking with the Spirit of the Buffalo” [handwritten]- 150. Sold 10-25-32 “Indian Family Book Ends”[handwritten]- 500. pr. [x] “Meat for Wild Men”[handwritten]- 2000. [x] “Buffalo Book Ends”[handwritten]- [x] “Oh! Mother, What Is It?” 150. [x] “Bear and Jug” 125. [x] “Spirit of Winter” 500. [x] “Robe Flesher” 125. [x] “Smoking with the Spirit of the Buffalo” 150. [handwritten] 39 40 1 1 per book ends – The Indian Family [illegible] 10 & 11 40 41
[Transcribed by Lauren B. Gerfen, 2012-06-21]