April 1st, 1939 Mrs. Charles M. Russell “Trail’s End” 725 Michigan Blvd. Pasadena, Calif. Dear Mrs. Russell: We are now assembling the wor^k^s of art for the 1939 Founder’s Show and it is our plan to make this show much more important than usual as it will be hung dur- ing the World’s Fair and seen by thousands of people from all over the United States. We are also going to make the Year Book in which the paintings and bronzes are going to be reproduced more elaborate using the World’s Fair colors on the cover. We would like to have Mr. Russell’s “Where the Best of Riders Quit” or “The Twister” or “Bucker and Buckeroo” for this purpose and will mail you our check promptly for $175 which is the amount we pay everybody. The Galleries has experienced great difficulty during the past few years in making their expenses but the co- operation of the artists at the time of this annual Founder’s Exhibition just about makes up the deficit. I am enclosing a self addressed postcard and if you will just write the word “yes” and the title of the peice[sic] of bronze on it, I will understand that you are willing to help out. With kindest regards, I am Sincerely, [singed] Erwin S. Barrie Manager. ESB:K enc.
[Transcribed by Lauren B. Gerfen, 2012-06-19]