725 Michigan Blvd., Pasadena, California. September 23rd, 1939. Mr. Erwin S. Barrie Grand Central Art Galleries 15 Vanderbilt Ave., New York, New York. Dear Mr. Barrie: Your second letter dated September 21st, regarding the pictures received this morning. I thought I had answered your letter and my only excuse is that I am still ill in bedand[sic] things are not taken care of as quickly by me as they should be although everybody is trying to help me keep my head above water. A great many letters have been written about my pictures to many different museums and I don’t want to get things tangled up so that no one will succeed in doing what they plan to do. I have about a dozen pictures which average $20,000.00 each. A friend of mine has a set of photographs and descriptions and has been negotiating with some committees and naturally do not want to overdo it. I think perhaps I should wait until this effort has either been consummated[sic] or pigeon-holed. I know the value of not talking too much about what one is doing with one’s pictures so rest assured I will try to do the right thing now. Regarding the bronzes, I plan to place one copy of each and there are thirty-eight subjects. Thank you kindly for your interest. I sincerely hope something will work out to place Charlie’s work where it should be. Sincerely yours,
[Transcribed by Lauren B. Gerfen, 2012-06-19]