January 4, 1929. Susan E. MacGilleray, 1117 1st Ave. West, Spokane, Wash. Dear Miss MacGilleray: In going through my letter file, I came across yours of Oct. 8th in which you speak of sending a picture of Mr. Russells to Stendahl Galleries, Los Angeles, and you were kind enough to let me know about it. I answered your letter of Oct. 20th and told you I would be glad to see the original but that I was not personally buying any of Mr. Russell’s paintings but would do what I could to help you dispose of yours. When in New York, Oct. 30, I wired you as follows; “REGARDING PAINTING BY RUSSELL IF YOU WILL SHIP BY EXPRESS COLLECT TO ME CARE OF BUDWORTH & SON, 424 W. 52nd ST. NEW YORK WILL TRY TO SELL IT FOR YOU.” I WILL BE HERE UNTIL NOVEMBER FOURTH WIRE OR WRITE AIR MAIL YOUR NET PRICE.” I did not hear from you so do not know whether you received my message or not. The man who was interest- ed in it at that time got another but I have just heard from another client in Kansas City and it is possible that if you have not sold your picture, he might like it. So, will you please let me know whether it is still on the market, where I can see it and your price? Sincerely, NCR:ED
[Transcribed by Lauren B. Gerfen, 2012-07-24]